Text Converter


Provide English case conversion, Chinese simplified and traditional, Chinese pinyin, Japanese hiragana and katakana conversion, etc

How to use

The left side is the alphabet conversion area, the middle is the Chinese conversion area, and the right side is the Japanese conversion area

Alphabet conversion

  • Upper: e.g., Hello World -> HELLO WORLD
  • Lower:e.g., Hello World -> hello world
  • Snake:e.g., Hello World -> hello_world
  • Pascal:e.g., Hello World -> HelloWorld
  • Camel:e.g., Hello World -> helloWorld
  • Kebab:e.g., Hello World -> hello-world
  • Heder:e.g., Hello World -> Hello-World
  • Title:e.g., hello world -> Hello World
  • Constant:e.g., Hello World -> HELLO_WORLD
  • Reverse:e.g., Hello World -> hELLO wORLD
  • RevWord:e.g., Hello World -> World Hello

Snake, Kebab, Heder, Constant, these four conversion automatically divide words by letter case

Chinese conversion

  • 简体: Conversion of Chinese Traditional to Simplified, e.g., 测试 -> 測試
  • 繁体: Conversion of Chinese Simplified to Traditional, e.g., 測試 -> 测试
  • 无声调拼音: Convert Chinese to pinyin without tone, if it is polyphonic word, all pinyin will be displayed in square brackets, e.g., 重量 -> [zhong, chong] liang
  • 带声调拼音: Convert Chinese to pinyin with tone, if it is polyphonic word, all pinyin will be displayed in square brackets, e.g., 重量 -> [zhòng, chóng] [liàng, liáng, liang]
  • 拼音标题: Convert Chinese to pinyin without tone and capitalize, if it is polyphonic word, all pinyin will be displayed in square brackets, e.g., 重量 -> [ZHONG, CHONG] LIANG
  • 姓名拼音: Convert one Chinese character to pronunciation in name, e.g., 单 -> shàn
  • 拼音首字母: Convert Chinese to the first letter of pinyin, if it is polyphonic word, all pinyin will be displayed in square brackets, e.g., 重量 -> [z,c] [l]
  • 汉字: Convert one pinyin to Chinese character, including all Chinese characters starting with the pinyin, e.g., sen -> 僧 幓 曑 森 椮 槮 穼 篸 罧 蔘 襂 鬙
  • 姓名汉字: Convert one pinyin to Chinese for name, including all Chinese characters starting with the pinyin, e.g., si-> 斯 司 司空 司寇 司马 司徒 似 姒

Japanese conversion

  • Romaji: Convert hiragana or katakana to romaji, e.g., わたし -> watashi
  • ひらがな: Convert romaji or katakana to hiragana, e.g., watashi -> わたし
  • カタカナ: Convert romaji or hiragana to katakana, e.g., watashi -> ワタシ
  • 全角: converts half-width characters to full-width characters, e.g., (カタ) -> (カタ)
  • 半角: converts full-width characters to half-width characters, e.g., (カタ) -> (カタ)

All the conversion result can be copied to the clipboard by click the copy button