ToolsSet Text
Features include: Encode & Decode, Encrypt & Decrypt & Hash, Text Converter, Text Generator, Text Compare, JSON Formatter, XML Tool, Regex Test, Qr & Bar code, TTS & Morse, Csv Editor, Text Batch, Split Join, List Operate
Features List
Encode & Decode
- Common encoding conversion (11 types)
- Byte array
- UTF-8
- Iso 8859-1
- UTF-16
- UTF-16 BE
- UTF-32
- UTF-32 BE
- GB2312
- BIG5
- Shift-JIS
- Base encoding conversion (11 types)
- Base64
- Base32(6 types)
- Base58(3 types)
- Base85(3 types)
Encrypt & Decrypt & Hash
- Encrypt and decrypt
- AES encrypt and decrypt
- DES encrypt and decrypt
- RSA encrypt and decrypt
- Hash
- MD5-16
- MD5-32
- SHA1
- SHA256
- SHA384
- SHA512
Text Converter
- Alphabet conversion
- Uppercase
- Lowercase
- Snake
- Pascal
- Camel
- Kebab
- Constant
- Header
- Case reverse
- Chinese conversion
- To simplified
- To traditional
- To pinyin without tone
- To pinyin with tone
- To Pinyin title
- To name pinyin
- To pinyin initials
- Pinyin to Chinese characters
- Pinyin to Chinese name
- Japanese conversion
- Hiragana / katakana -> romaji
- Romaji / katakana -> hiragana
- Romaji / hiragana -> katakana
- Half-width character -> full-width character
- full-width -> half-width characters
Text Generator
- Password generate
- Specify the length
- Contains numbers
- Contains uppercase and lowercase letters
- Contains special symbols
- Contains custom characters
- Fake text generate
- 12 languages (some types supported)
- 34 data types
- Specify the quantity
- Specify the range
Text Compare
- Highlight the text comparison results
JSON Formatter
- JSON format
- JSON compress
- JSON flatten
- JSON unflatten
XML Tool
- XML format
- XML compress
- XPath lookup
Regex Test
- 82 predefined regular expressions
- Regular expression test
- Global, multi-line, case-sensitive switch
- Show result group
- Show captures
Qr & Bar code
- Generate barcodes or QR codes (13 types)
- Recognize barcodes or QR codes
TTS & Morse
- Direct play
- Export audio
- Morse code conversion
- Text-to-Morse encoding
- Direct play
- Export audio
- Morse code to text
- Text-to-Morse encoding
Csv Editor
- Edit the CSV with grid
- Support add and delet rows and columns
- Support view text
Table Convert
- Tabular data editing
- Support add and delete rows and columns
- Support row and column transpose
- Support for converting selection areas
- Data conversion
- Markdown
- C# Object
Text Batch
- Grid form batch text
- Formulas are supported
- Support templates
Split Join
- Text split
- Split by quantity
- Split by character
- Specify separator
- Text extract
- Extract text based on regular expressions
- Extracted by group
- Specify the separator
- Text merge
- Merge multiple spaces
- Merge multiple line breaks
- Merge multiple whitespace characters
- Merge multiple specified characters
- Multi-line text join
- Join with a space
- Join with tabs
- Join with the specified characters
- Text trim
- Specify the location
- Specify trim characters
- Word count
- Count characters by type
- Count ASCII characters
- Count top 100 characters
- Count specified text
List Operate
- Sort
- Ascending, descending
- Random sorting
- Ascending by length, descending by length
- Reverse order
- Number format switch
- Find
- Start with or not
- End with or not
- Contain or not
- Length matching
- Pad
- Specify the location: left, right
- Specify characters
- Specify the length
- Take
- Specify direction: start, end
- Skip and take by quantity
- Skip and take by character
- Single operate
- Distinct list items
- Count list items
- Reverse order of character
- List operate
- Union with another list
- Intersect with another list
- Except with another list