This tool allows you to view information about a given solar calendar date and its various information corresponding to the Chinese lunar calendar
How to use
Select a date: Click date in the calendar at the top left
Click on the calendar title once to select the month, and click the left and right arrow icons to turn the page by year
Click the calendar header twice to select the year, and click the left and right arrow icons to turn the page in ten-year increments
Click the calendar icon below the calendar to jump to today
Solar date info: The solar area below the calendar includes:
- Whether it is a leap year
- Zodiac sign
- Day of the year
- Day of the month
- Week of the year
- Week of the month
- Quarter of the year
- Holidays
Lunar date info: The lunar area below the calendar includes:
- 三九/三伏第几天
- 生肖
- 阴历日期
- 阴历月数和天数
- 阴历闰月信息
- 物候、节气
- 侯、月相
Chinese lunar info:On the right side, divided into three areas from top to bottom, including the following contents:
- 阴历年月日信息
- 阴历中文名称
- 天干地支
- 生肖
- 太岁
- 五行
- 纳音
- 天干十神
- 地支十神
- 地势
- 九星
- 旬
- 旬空
- 天神和吉凶
- 冲煞
- 值星
- 天神
- 吉凶
- 四宫
- 二十八星宿
- 六曜
- 禄
- 吉神
- 凶煞
- 宜忌
- 吉神方位
- 胎神方位
- 二十八星宿歌诀
- 时辰信息
- 时辰名称
- 时刻
- 冲煞
- 旬空
- 天神
- 纳音
- 九星
- 宜忌
- 阴历年月日信息