HSV Palette


Support HSV/HSL, RGB, Grayscale color palette mode

How to use

You can select the color mode at the top left

  • HSV/HSL color palette
    • HSV and HSL modes can be switched by the switch in the top left corner
    • There are 24 colors available below to switch hues
    • 20 colors of the same brightness and contrast are available on the right side for color comparison
    • The middle area shows the gradient colors by brightness and saturation, click on the color to synchronize the brightness and contrast to the color bar on the right
  • RGB color palette
    • Click the R, G, and B buttons on the left to switch the display content
    • The color bar on the right can select the proportion of R/G/B color
  • Grayscale color palette

After select the color, you can view the color code on the left and copy it